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Monday, November 8, 2010

Bad news

I've lost my creative streak. I've tried writing more stories but I just can't bring myself to write anymore. I will post here if I have something to say, or if I get my creative juices a'flowin again. At the beginning, it was fun, writing stories, have people from Romania and Austrailia looking at it. But after it slowed down and I got an average of 3 or 4 page views a day, I was like, what's the point? With school and everything it's hard to even find a time to sit down and write.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Oh noes

I can't get a story out tonight, I've got to much homework right now.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


This a little info about the story:
Protagonist: JD (yes named after scrubs)
Girl protagonist: Sally Protel
Secret organization leader: Gary Yixle
Antagonist: Carl Ralfman
Right hand man of Carl (leader of the goons): Ned Gilf
Whorish evil woman: Sanova Scort

JD was sitting alone in his house, playing N64. He had almost beaten Golden Eye. JD heard his phone ring from upstairs. He had the tetris theme song as his ringer. He ran upstairs to get it, only to be seconds late. Then, the message started, it went a little something like this,
"...JD, it's me, Gary. I just got word that Carl has sent one of his henchmen over to 'take care of you'. I would be preparedto fight."...CLICK. JD ram as fast as he could down the hall twords his weapon room, almost knocking down his pet bronze fish. He caught the fish just in time, set it carfuly back, and was on his way. He grabbed his throwing stars and hid in the corner to ambush his prey. As he was waiting there we wondered if the world was really going to end in 2012. But he didn't have time to think about that right now, his mind wanted to think about ancient aliens. If they weren't real, how the hell did the pyramid get built? There is no possible way those people could build it, I don't care how many slaves they had. ...I'm kind of rambling now, maybe it's a good time to cut it off. Check back in two days to find out what happens!!!!!!!!


I wont be posting till later today, i have things to do in photo today. Sorry guys. Use this Post to tell me what you like and dont like in my stories. What you wan to see more of and what you dislike. Thanks.

Monday, November 1, 2010


I am posting this to get some info out. First of all I want to thank all of you who are following me and even more the people who comment. For the next week or so I will be posting a continued story, so don't miss it. I will take breaks and write different stories in the middle so I can think of the plot and all that stuff. But other wise just keep updated, it's going to be fun.